fine art school photography
what is boutique school photography?
(n) a business that serves a sophisticated or specialized clientele.
I offer an intimate school portrait experience providing timeless art with excellent customer service.
what services do you offer?
Because I handle everything online it's quick and painless- and there's no wasted proof paper or chance of lost paperwork between school and home. Each child will be provided 2-5 images online, presented in both color and black and white. And the best part? The parents get to choose which photos they want printed, rather than me choosing for them.
I provide prints as well as canvas gallery wraps, and digital images for future printing and archiving.
A detailed PDF describing all ordering procedures and shooting day preparation will be provided to each school to be distributed to families prior to photo day.
Prints are ordered online and delivered directly to the school.
I handle any questions from parents and families about ordering and products. I take staff photos and provide a complimentary print package for staff members as well.
The best part of this? I am willing to work with schools to provide custom services that fit your unique needs.
ok, how much is this going to cost me?
To get me into your school costs nothing! I offer very competitive rates on print packages, as well as al a carte items, including digitals. I also give 10% of my profit back to your school.
GREAT! When can we get you into our school?
When do you want me?! No really, I work with each school individually to schedule around the school year.